A covert operation carried out by the Justicia Investigations team revealed a retail industry syndicate that involved a company’s Business Manager, Supervisors and Staff all colluding in thefts and sharing the spoils. Once the individuals involved in the retail industry syndicate were confronted with the evidence, it confirmed that there is no honour amongst thieves, as the lower level of employees were eager to make confessions, pointing fingers at their superiors. Once this occurred, Management and Supervisors also confessed, pointing fingers at their subordinates. The Justicia investigative team made use of covert agents, covert cameras, polygraphs and the confessions obtained and since the removal of the culprits, the business has shown a marked increase in profits. Justicia Investigations – Piecing the puzzle together
Retail Industry Syndicate Exposed

Justicia Investigations, established in 1992, is a private investigations agency based in Durban and Johannesburg.